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Implementation of Penalty to International Students Who Violate the Rules and Disciplines of Shandong University
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总 则

   第一条 为了促进我校留学生教育的健康发展,为同学们创造优良的学习、生活环境,根据《中华人民共和国外国人入境出境管理法》、《高等学校接受外国留学生管理规定》、《山东大学学生违纪处分实施细则》以及其他相关规定,结合我校留学生的实际情况,制定本细则。

   第二条 本细则适用于在校学习的各类外国留学生。

   第三条 留学生在校学习期间,无论在校内或校外有违纪行为的,均按照本细则给予纪律处分。

   第四条 留学生违反校规校纪,根据情节轻重、认错态度、悔改表现等,给予下列处分:





   第五条 受处分者,同时受到下列处理:




   第六条 违反校纪者,有下列情节之一,可以从轻或免予处分:





    第七条 违反校纪者,有下列情节之一,应从重处分:







   第八条 处分违纪学生的权限、程序与管理。








              分 则

 第九条 对违反中国法律、法规者,给予以下处分:



第十条 违反外国人管理的有关法律法规,应给予以下处分:






   第十一条 留学生在校内严禁进行传教及宗教聚会等活动,违反者,给予警告及以上处分。

  第十二条 违反《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》,违法驾驶机动车辆,不听劝阻者,给予警告处分,情节严重者给予留校察看及以上处分。

第十三条 对打架斗殴者,给予以下处分:





第十四条 对聚众滋事或进行其他违法违纪活动、破坏校园秩序者,给予警告及以上处分。

第十五条 以各种手段非法占有他人合法财物,或有其他盗窃、欺骗行为者,视其情节给予下列处分:









   第十六条 故意损坏公私财物者,除按价赔偿损失外,根据损坏财物的价值给予下列处分:




  第十七条 违反消防、用电等相关规定,给予警告及以上处分;因以上行为造成严重后果者,给予开除学籍或勒令退学处分。

  第十八条 发表或散布反对、攻击其他国家的言论,有损他人正当利益的,视情节给予警告及以上处分。

  第十九条 违反公共道德者,视其情节,给予警告及以上处分。

  第二十条 以各种方式组织或参与赌博者,除没收其赌具和赌资外,视其情节,给予留校察看及以上处分。

  第二十一条 本细则没有列举的违纪行为,可参照有关规定的相关条款给予处分。

          附 则

  第二十二条 开除学籍处分适用于学历留学生,勒令退学处分适用于语言留学生。

   第二十三条 本细则由国际教育学院负责解释。

第二十四条 本细则自200951日起实施。

Implementation of Penalty to International Students Who Violate the Rules and Disciplines of Shandong University

General Rules

Article I This implementation is made in order to promote the healthy development of international students of our university, and create good study and living environment, according to the Law of Foreigners’ Exit-and-Entry China, the Management Regulation of Higher Education Institutes’ Receiving Foreign Students, the Implementation of Penalty to Students Who Violate the Rules and Discipline of Shandong University, and other rules and regulations, as well as the practical situation of international students of Shandong University. 

Article This implementation applies to all categories of international students studying in Shandong University.

Article Student will get the related penalty when he/she breaks the rules and regulations both in and outside the campus during the academic years.

Article Student, who breaks the rules and regulations, will get the following penalties in accordance with the seriousness of the circumstances, attitude of resipiscence, demonstration of repentance, etc.

   Item Warning;

Item Disciplinary probation;

Item Being expelled from school or being removed from school.

School will circulate a notice of criticism to help to correct mistakes of this indiscipline student whose behavior is insufficient to impose the above penalty.   

 Article Student who gets a penalty will be simultaneously imposed the following punishment:

Item He/ She cannot obtain any nomination of awards. Scholarship holder (exclude the foreign government scholarship holders) will get no scholarship allowance for one month or more.

Item The degree will be granted according to Shandong University Student Management Regulation and Shandong University Postgraduates Management Regulation.

    Item If his/her act violates other rules or regulations, this student will get related punishment at the same time.

Article Student, who violates school disciplines, has one of following behaviors, he / she may get reduced punishment or be exempted from punishment:

   Item Student admits his/her mistakes on his/her own initiative, tells the circumstances, feedbacks profound self-examination, and has repentant performance;

Item Student is indeed forced by others;

Item Student can inform against, or expose other people's indiscipline initiatively, and assists the department concerned positively to investigate the problem.

Item Student has other behaviors that may get reduced punishment.

   Article Student, who violates the school discipline, has one of following behaviors, he/she may get severe punishment:

Item Student refuses to admit his/her mistakes, or conceals other’s indiscipline.

Item Student retracts a confession, or acts in collusion to make each other's confessions during investigation, or intimidates the concerned people.

Item Student simultaneously has two kinds or more indiscipline.

Item Student colludes with the external person to commit a crime or break the rules.

Item Be the organizer or conductor of the violation group.

Item Student has other behaviors that may get harsh punishment.

Article The jurisdiction, procedure and management of student who breaks the regulations and gets penalty. 

Item Disciplinary procedure to student who gets warning or disciplinary probation: Student Affairs Office presents the comment and handling suggestions; reports to the related leader of College of International Education and gets approved.

Item Disciplinary procedure to language student who is removed from school: Student Affairs Office presents the comment and handling suggestions; reports to the related leader of College of International Education and gets approved; College of International Education holds the party-government joint conference and makes a decision.

Disciplinary procedure to degree student who is expelled from school: Student Affairs Office presents the comment and handling suggestions; reports to the related leader of College of International Education and gets approved; College of International Education holds the party-government joint conference and makes a decision, and reports to the university to set up a file.

If student, who is removed from school or is expelled from school, is scholarship student supported by Chinese government, College of International Education will officially report to CSC (China Scholarship Council) and the embassy of the related country.

Item Student Affairs Office will investigate the misbehavior and report to university police for investigation if it is necessary. The office will listen to the student's statement and protest before present the handling suggestions.

Item Duration of probation is limited within one year. Student who gets probation will be inspected by Student Affairs Office. The penalty may be removed on schedule or in advance according to his/her performance during the probation period.

Item Student, who is removed from school or is expelled from school, should complete the procedure of leaving school and leaving China in one week after getting the penalty decision. To the student who does not complete the procedure in time, College of International Education will inform the police to cancel his/ her residence permit or visa.

   Item The penalty decision will be notified in College of International Education depending on the circumstances.

            Individual Rules

 Article Ⅸ Student who violates Chinese law, rules or regulations will be imposed the following penalty:

Item Ⅰ Student, who violates Chinese law and is undertaken prosecution for criminal responsibility according to law, will be expelled from school or removed from school. 

Item Ⅱ Student, who violates Chinese law and regulations, is recognized by the judicial authority or the administrative department, and creates bad influence, will be imposed warning or more severe punishment depending on the plot.

Article Ⅹ Student, who violates Chinese Law on Foreigners, will be imposed the following penalty:

Item Student whose visa or residence permit is expired will be imposed warning depending on the plot.

Item Student, who violates the regulations for living outside the campus and makes the same mistakes again after education, will be imposed warning or more severe punishment. 

Item Ⅲ Student, who violates the International Students’ Dormitory Management, affects other people, and refuses to follow the discouragement, will be imposed warning.

Item Ⅳ Student, who fails to pay tuition and accommodation fees, and still does not clear the fees after being informed, will be imposed warning, or being expelled from school or removed from school if it is serious.

Item Ⅴ Students, who does not respect Chinese customs, and conducts badly with corrupt morality, will be imposed warning or severe punishment.

Item Ⅺ Missionary work or religious gathering is not allowed. The violator will be imposed warning or more severe punishment.

 Item Ⅻ Student, who breaks Chinese Law on Traffic Security and drives a vehicle illegally without following discouragement, will be imposed warning, or disciplinary probation or severe penalty if the circumstances are serious.

Item ⅩⅢ Student who fights will be imposed the following penalty:

Article Student, who initiates incident or intensifies contradiction, and participates in the fighting directly, will be imposed warning or severe punishment.

Article Ⅱ Student, who organizes or plans other people to fight, will be imposed disciplinary probation or severe punishment if the circumstances are serious.

 Article Ⅲ Student, who causes other people to be injured in the fighting, will be imposed disciplinary probation or severe punishment depending on the circumstances.

Article Ⅳ Student, who provides weapons to the fighter, which causes injury, will be imposed disciplinary probation or severe punishment.

Item ⅩⅣ Student, who gathers to stir up unlawful activities, or breaks the campus order, will be imposed warning or severe punishment.

Item ⅩⅤ Student, who possesses other’s legitimate belongings illegally, steal, or deceive others, will be imposed the following penalty depending on the circumstances:

Article Ⅰ Student, who steals the public or private belongings, will be imposed the following penalty:

 (1)  Student, who commits a crime with the total value of less than 500 yuan, will be imposes warning.

(2) Student, who commits crimes with the total value of more than 500 yuan, and causes bad influence, will be imposed disciplinary probation or severe punishment if the circumstances are serious. 

 (3) Student, who deceits, plunders, blackmails or extorts the public or private belongings, will be punished severely according to the above regulations.

Article Ⅱ Student, who possesses the losing articles, will be imposed warning or severe penalty depending on the circumstances.

Article Ⅲ Student, who provides information or weapons to assist the crime, or hides the criminal facts, or conceals the proceeds of crime, will be imposed the same penalty as in the above articles.

Article Ⅳ Student, who steals the official seal, classified document, file, and so on, will be imposed disciplinary probation or severe punishment depending on the circumstances.

Article Ⅴ Student, who forges, alters, or subtenant one’s credentials or materials, or deceives by false personation, will be imposed warning or severe punishment depending on the circumstances.

Item ⅩⅪ Student, who damages the public and private belongings intentionally, besides compensating the losses in accordance with published rates, will be imposed the following penalty in accordance with the value of the losses.

Article Ⅰ Student will be imposed warning if the value of the losses is less than 500 yuan.

Article Student will be imposed disciplinary probation or severe punishment if the value of the losses is 500 yuan or more.

Article Ⅲ Student will get severe punishment if the circumstances are serious and the consequences are severe.

Item ⅩⅦ Student, who violates the regulations on fire prevention or power using, will be imposed warning or severe punishment. Student, who causes severe consequences because of the above behavior, will be expelled from school or removed from school.

Item ⅩⅧ Student, who publishes or disseminates expressions of opposing or aggressing other nation and harms other’s legitimate interest, will be imposed warning or severe punishment depending on the circumstances.

Item ⅩⅨ Student, who violates the public morality, will be imposed warning or severe punishment depending on the circumstances. 

Item ⅩⅩ Student, who organizes or participates in gambling, will be imposed disciplinary probation or severe punishment depending on the circumstances. Besides, the gambling equipment and money will be confiscated.

Item ⅩⅩⅠIf student’s behavior against disciplines is not listed in these rules, punishment may impose to the student refer to the concerned rules.


   Supplementary Rules

Item ⅩⅩⅡ The penalty of expelling from school is applied to degree students, and being removed from school is applied to language students.

Item ⅩⅩⅢ College of International Education is responsible to explain the items in this regulation.

Item ⅩⅩⅣ This regulation implements from May 1, 2009.


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